How Posture Affects Your Central Nervous System

Most people these days probably understand that their central nervous system acts like electrical wiring in the body, providing signals and carrying information to and from the brain. However, what is not widely known is how body structure/posture can affect this awe inspiringly sensitive and complex system. The analogy of electrical wiring is not entirely true or accurate. Unlike wiring […]

Can Posture Affect Stress Levels?

Stress or feeling stressed is a heightened response to a situation or stimulus that causes you to operate outside of your normal range. These situations can be stimulated by a variety of factors including physical, chemical, toxic, electromagnetic radiation, emotional, spiritual, and many more. Any stress from one source will affect how you respond to other stresses too because everything […]

Massage Therapy, Mobilization and Manipulation Legitimate Options?

Massage therapy does have it’s place in certain situations of course. Saying otherwise would be disingenuous and inaccurate. However, many of my clients often ask me; “how effective is massage therapy and other similar therapies really for dealing with chronic issues and even acute body complaints”? This article will help answer that question. The field of chiropractic as well as […]