Endo-Nasal Cranial Correction – 1st Choice to Help Improve Nasal Breathing

nasal breathing - why it is important

Importance of Nasal Breathing

If you have been having trouble breathing through your nose then you are on the right page. Here we talk about why it is a tricky problem to resolve for most healthcare professionals and why it is even important in the first place. 

Below we have taken some excerpts from https://millenniumsmiles.com/the-importance-of-nasal-breathing/;

Research has found that breathing through your mouth means that you miss out on much of the oxygen – up to 90 percent – your body needs to support your organs, tissues, and cells. Without this oxygen, you face the risk of damage to your body and tissue and cell death. Over long periods, living with reduced oxygen levels can leave you at risk of developing a severe illness or even a chronic health condition, such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes.

Like we said, when you breathe through your nose, you get more oxygen compared to what you take in when you breathe through your mouth. Other benefits of nasal breathing include:

The air you take is filtered by the tiny hairs (cilia) in your nose to remove germs and environmental debris. The cilia also warm the air that you have taken in before it travels to your lungs.

Breathing through your nose allows you to take deeper breaths – which engages the lower lungs. When the lower lungs become active, they pump out more oxygen to the rest of your body. More oxygen means more support your cells and maintains healthy tissue and organ function.

Deeper breaths mean that oxygen is in your lungs longer, and your body can covert more oxygen to carbon dioxide waste. Reduction of carbon dioxide levels in the body helps to maintain your blood pH levels. When there is less carbon dioxide in the blood also means that your cells experience less stress and free radicals are reduced.

Another discovered benefit of nasal breathing is that when the lower lungs are engaged a calming effect happens. This is because the lower lungs contain the parasympathetic (calming) nerve receptors of the body. When these nerves are activated, they tell the brain to send calming hormones to battle stress.

When you breathe through your mouth, the body activates its sympathetic (stress) nerves. When these nerves turn on, they tell the brain to send the stress hormone cortisol and turn on the immune system and increase to prepare for an “attack”. If you regularly breathe your mouth, your body believes it is under attack all of the time, leaving you with chronic, damaging inflammation.

As you can see then nasal breathing in particular is key to overall health but also brain function. 

Various gurus will talk about various exercises and breathing techniques to improve your breathing. But they like others fail in dealing with the fundamental problem at hand. After all why should you need to learn or re-learn something we do automatically upon leaving the womb?

It is not that you don’t know how to breath properly or are too lazy or forgot and need to learn again, the fact is your current mechanical physiology is preventing you from doing it properly.

Please see our ‘Learn More’ and Blog pages for further and more detailed information about how and why ENCC coupled with the full ABC™ protocol works.

What is Endo-Nasal Cranial Correction?

ENCC or Endo-Nasal Cranial Correction is a well-known technique within bone and body manipulation that involves inserting a small balloon within the nasal cavities to manipulate the position of the sphenoid bone (see above).

This is a butterfly shaped bone that spans the width of the skull and lies behind the eyes and nose. When out of optimum position, not only can your nasal breathing be affected but senses such as vision, smell and even taste can be affected also.

How we differ from regular chiropractic and other health practitioners in using this technique is that we target only the cavities or conchas that NEED doing; making our use of the technique more precise and effective. Others use a more scatter gun approach and do all six instead. This could be uncomfortable and even mechanically adverse. Dizziness, nausea and blurry vision are some of the adverse symptoms one could experience.

ENCC treatment completes the ABC™ protocol. Without it you will not get the most complete and effective recovery. It cannot and should not be administered as a stand alone adjustment/treatment. The reason why is because an out of place sphenoid is a small piece of a much larger problem i.e. the bones out of place in the larger areas of your body. Until these primary (most important) out of place bones are corrected doing ENCC alone will not give as much benefit as it otherwise would if coupled with ABC™ protocol. 

Speak to your certified ABC™ practitioner for more information or please see videos below, courtesy of KenHub and our friend and colleague, Dr Jeff Aberle.

How is ENCC Done?

Cranial Anatomy